Takam, Alain
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- ItemPerceptions of, and attitudes towards, English teaching and learning in Cameroon's technical education(Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), 2022) Fasse, Innocent M.; Takam, Alain F.This study examined the current practices, difficulties and impacts of English as second official language (ESOL) teaching and learning in secondary schools in Cameroon. It investigated the perceptions and attitudes of students, teachers and parents towards the teaching and learning of ESOL, including prevailing teaching and learning practices. This study stemmed from the observation that the exit profile of most students in technical secondary schools does not correspond to the official exit profile set out by the Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC). It was therefore necessary to survey students, parents, and teachers with the goal of identifying areas of concern and proposing remedial solutions. Responses of these key stakeholders selected in four education institutions (including two technical high schools and two general high schools) to questionnaires have provided data for the study. Such responses offered insights into the current situation in Cameroon’s ESOL, as well as into the possible utility of, and desire for, the development of ESOL courses aimed at students learning in technical schools. The inclusion and development of English for specific purposes (ESP) in Cameroon’s ESOL teaching and learning could help bring education stakeholders and policymakers closer to what they want to see from the country’s ESOL program.
- ItemTowards the introduction of the teaching of technical English in Technical education in Cameroon: pre-requisites and prospects(Bright Ideas Consulting, 2022) Fasse, Innocent M.; Takam, Alain F.This study is a follow-up of three previous ones by the same authors. The first one culminated in a language-in-education policy article in 2018. The second study (2022) revisits student, parent and teacher attitudes to, and practices of, English Language teaching and learning in Cameroon Technical Education. It strongly recommends the development of English Language teachers’ capacities in technical education (TE) to teach ESP. The third led to a paper focussing on the achievements, constraints and perspectives of the teaching of English in TE (in press), underscoring the necessity of introducing English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in TE. The present work, which draws from interviews with pedagogic inspectors and the analysis of key relevant documents, proposes steps towards an effective introduction of ESP in TE by outlining general guiding principles for key areas, such as syllabus content, teacher training, integration of competence-based approaches, and didactic material. The study takes into consideration the current education orientation law, existing TE curricula, and prevailing teacher training policy and programmes which include the socio-economic context of Cameroon. The authors understand that each of the aspects addressed should generate more detailed studies.
- ItemPolicy around the teaching of English in technical education in Cameroon: achievements, issues, and prospects from the perspectives of pedagogic inspectors(Sage, 2023) Takam, Alain F.; Fasse, Innocent M.Examining the teaching and learning of English as a Second Official Language (ESOL) in Cameroon through language laws and other official documents (like the syllabi) in terms of their actual implementation is an important step in the development of ESOL education. Such investigations may contribute to the strengthening of the minority official languages and facilitate conversations on the current state of ESOL teaching and learning and on future strategies to improve its policy, especially in technical education, a field that has so far been grossly under-researched. Through interviews conducted with pedagogic inspectors, this study, unlike most studies mentioned above, investigates the ESOL education policy in place at the Ministry of Secondary Education and its implementation in technical education schools. The Ministry’s determination to improve its ESOL programs shows the positive potential in the ESOL management in French Cameroon’s technical education. However, new proactive approaches are needed in the future. One important recommendation made insistently was the need for an approach focused on reorienting ESOL programs and teacher training for technical education.
- ItemAménagement de l'acquisition: du trilingiusme fontionnel a la pédagogie convergente(Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2013) Takam, Alain F.Social bilingualism, unlike official bilingualism, is very common. In most countries, the official language/s and tens or hundreds of other languages coexist; many such unofficial languages facing extinction. What is noticeable is that when language planning does not follow the ecological approach, i.e., when it emphasizes the strengthening of a particular language rather than the “structured diversity” of all the languages that make up a particular linguistic ecosystem, that can negatively impact the survival of minority languages. This study, which was carried out from the perspective of ecolinguistics, was aimed at promoting linguistic diversity through the protection of minority languages. It was essentially based on acquisition planning. The protection referred to here could be ensured, among other means, through the progressive acquisition of three or more languages in the education system. In Cameroon, a French – English bilingual country, the minority official language and many local languages are taught in school with varying degrees of success. It was interesting to critically look at some teaching approaches of those languages with the objective of showing how it could be possible, for those whose first language is neither French nor English, to better learn French and/or English, through convergent pedagogy, an educative approach based on the development of bilingualism or multilingualism.
- ItemLanguage policy in education: second official language in (technical) education in Canada and Cameroon(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2018) Takam, Alain F.; Fasse, Innocent M.It should be said from the outset that, apart from Esambe’s (1999) MA thesis, no comparative research, to the best of our knowledge, has so far been devoted to the study of language policy in education in both Canada and Cameroon. Yet, these two countries offer a fascinating basis for comparison because English and French (which were instituted at roughly the same time in these two countries) are the two official languages in each country, but the minority status is reversed. This study, which rests on the observation that students from technical training programmes generally underperform or lack interest in their second official language (SOL), aims at comparing the current policies of SOL in education in order to see how both countries’ experiences can be mutually informing. To achieve its purpose, this research focuses on the analysis of the policies of official languages (OLs) in education in both countries, specifically regarding technical training programmes. More clearly, language policy in education and SOL education policy as obtained in both countries will be comparatively examined. The comparison, it is hoped, will reveal the fundamental causes of the overall poor performance or lack of interest observed in Cameroon and Canada respectively.