Towards the introduction of the teaching of technical English in Technical education in Cameroon: pre-requisites and prospects

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Fasse, Innocent M.
Takam, Alain F.
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Bright Ideas Consulting
This study is a follow-up of three previous ones by the same authors. The first one culminated in a language-in-education policy article in 2018. The second study (2022) revisits student, parent and teacher attitudes to, and practices of, English Language teaching and learning in Cameroon Technical Education. It strongly recommends the development of English Language teachers’ capacities in technical education (TE) to teach ESP. The third led to a paper focussing on the achievements, constraints and perspectives of the teaching of English in TE (in press), underscoring the necessity of introducing English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in TE. The present work, which draws from interviews with pedagogic inspectors and the analysis of key relevant documents, proposes steps towards an effective introduction of ESP in TE by outlining general guiding principles for key areas, such as syllabus content, teacher training, integration of competence-based approaches, and didactic material. The study takes into consideration the current education orientation law, existing TE curricula, and prevailing teacher training policy and programmes which include the socio-economic context of Cameroon. The authors understand that each of the aspects addressed should generate more detailed studies.
Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) applies
English for Specific Purposed (ESP) , Syllabuses , Teacher training , Technical education , Didactic material
Mbouya, I. F., & Takam, A. F. (2022). Towards the introduction of the teaching of technical English in Technical education in Cameroon: Pre-requisites and prospects. Journal of Belonging, Identity, Language, and Diversity (J-BILD), 6(3), 21-36.