Chasmer, Laura

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    Wildfire as a major driver of recent permafrost thaw in boreal peatlands
    (Nature Portfolio, 2018) Gibson, Carolyn M.; Chasmer, Laura; Thompson, Dan; Quinton, William L.; Flannigan, Mike D.; Olefeldt, David
    Permafrost vulnerability to climate change may be underestimated unless effects of wildfire are considered. Here we assess impacts of wildfire on soil thermal regime and rate of thermokarst bog expansion resulting from complete permafrost thaw in western Canadian permafrost peatlands. Effects of wildfire on permafrost peatlands last for 30 years and include a warmer and deeper active layer, and spatial expansion of continuously thawed soil layers (taliks). These impacts on the soil thermal regime are associated with a tripled rate of thermokarst bog expansion along permafrost edges. Our results suggest that wildfire is directly responsible for 2200 ± 1500 km2 (95% CI) of thermokarst bog development in the study region over the last 30 years, representing ~25% of all thermokarst bog expansion during this period. With increasing fire frequency under a warming climate, this study emphasizes the need to consider wildfires when projecting future circumpolar permafrost thaw.
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    Filtering stems and branches from terrestrial laser scanning point clouds using deep 3-D fully convolutional networks
    (MDPI, 2018) Xi, Zhouxin; Hopkinson, Christopher; Chasmer, Laura
    Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) can produce precise and detailed point clouds of forest environment, thus enabling quantitative structure modeling (QSM) for accurate tree morphology and wood volume allocation. Applying QSM to plot-scale wood delineation is highly dependent on wood visibility from forest scans. A common problem is to filter wood point from noisy leafy points in the crowns and understory. This study proposed a deep 3-D fully convolution network (FCN) to filter both stem and branch points from complex plot scans. To train the 3-D FCN, reference stem and branch points were delineated semi-automatically for 14 sampled areas and three common species. Among seven testing areas, agreements between reference and model prediction, measured by intersection over union (IoU) and overall accuracy (OA), were 0.89 (stem IoU), 0.54 (branch IoU), 0.79 (mean IoU), and 0.94 (OA). Wood filtering results were further incorporated to a plot-scale QSM to extract individual tree forms, isolated wood, and understory wood from three plot scans with visual assessment. The wood filtering experiment provides evidence that deep learning is a powerful tool in 3-D point cloud processing and parsing.
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    Ecological impacts of shortening fire return intervals on boreal peatlands and transition zones using integrated in situ field sampling and lidar approaches
    (Wiley, 2022) Jones, Emily; Chasmer, Laura; Devito, Kevin; Rood, Stewart; Hopkinson, Christopher
    Aridity associated with rising air temperatures in northern latitudes is expected to contribute to increased frequency of wildland fires. Here, we examined regenerating vegetation following short return interval (SRI) fire (56 years post-fire) compared to long return interval (LRI) fire (>80 years post-fire) in boreal peatlands and their adjacent transitional areas. The objectives of this study were to quantify if differences exist between (1) peatland and transitional soil characteristics in LRI versus SRI areas and (2) regenerating vegetation species, structural characteristics and diversity. We also determined if patterns of vegetation structural characteristics observed using field data also occur across the broader landscape using airborne lidar data. The Utikuma Region Study Area (URSA) is located in central Alberta, Canada. Here, 19 peatlands were sampled, coincident with an airborne lidar survey of the broader region, where 120 peatlands in short and long fire return intervals were identified. We found that SRI transitional areas had significantly deeper organic soil deposits than those found in LRI (p < 0.0001). Proportions of regenerating species differed significantly between peatlands and transitional areas in SRI versus LRI, where greater proportion of coniferous species were observed in LRI. Deciduous transitional–upland species and taller post-fire vegetation heights were more commonly found SRI peatlands compared with LRI. This suggest that fires with SRIs in this region may result in enhanced deciduous succession, which may transition boreal peatlands into ecosystems that have some characteristics of transitional and upland forests.
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    Identifying conifer tree vs. deciduous shrub and tree regeneration trajectories in a space-for-time boreal peatland fire chronosequence using multispectral lidar
    (MDPI, 2022) Enayetullah, Humaira; Chasmer, Laura; Hopkinson, Christopher; Thompson, Dan; Cobbaert, Danielle
    Wildland fires and anthropogenic disturbances can cause changes in vegetation species composition and structure in boreal peatlands. These could potentially alter regeneration trajectories following severe fire or through cumulative impacts of climate-mediated drying, fire, and/or anthropogenic disturbance. We used lidar-derived point cloud metrics, and site-specific locational attributes to assess trajectories of post-disturbance vegetation regeneration in boreal peatlands south of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada using a space-for-time-chronosequence. The objectives were to (a) develop methods to identify conifer trees vs. deciduous shrubs and trees using multi-spectral lidar data, (b) quantify the proportional coverage of shrubs and trees to determine environmental conditions driving shrub regeneration, and (c) determine the spatial variations in shrub and tree heights as an indicator of cumulative growth since the fire. The results show that the use of lidar-derived structural metrics predicted areas of deciduous shrub establishment (92% accuracy) and classification of deciduous and conifer trees (71% accuracy). Burned bogs and fens were more prone to shrub regeneration up to and including 38 years after the fire. The transition from deciduous to conifer trees occurred approximately 30 years post-fire. These results improve the understanding of environmental conditions that are sensitive to disturbance and impacts of disturbance on northern peatlands within a changing climate.
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    Quantifying lidar elevation accuracy: parameterization and wavelength selection for optimal ground classifications based on time since fire/disturbance
    (MDPI, 2022) Nelson, Kailyn; Chasmer, Laura; Hopkinson, Christopher
    Pre- and post-fire airborne lidar data provide an opportunity to determine peat combustion/loss across broad spatial extents. However, lidar measurements of ground surface elevation are prone to uncertainties. Errors may be introduced in several ways, particularly associated with the timing of data collection and the classification of ground points. Ground elevation data must be accurate and precise when estimating relatively small elevation changes due to combustion and subsequent carbon losses. This study identifies the impact of post-fire vegetation regeneration on ground classification parameterizations for optimal accuracy using TerraScan and LAStools with airborne lidar data collected in three wavelengths: 532 nm, 1064 nm, and 1550 nm in low relief boreal peatland environments. While the focus of the study is on elevation accuracy and losses from fire, the research is also highly pertinent to hydrological modelling, forestry, geomorphological change, etc. The study area includes burned and unburned boreal peatlands south of Fort McMurray, Alberta. Lidar and field validation data were collected in July 2018, following the 2016 Horse River Wildfire. An iterative ground classification analysis was conducted whereby validation points were compared with lidar ground-classified data in five environments: road, unburned, burned with shorter vegetative regeneration (SR), burned with taller vegetative regeneration (TR), and cumulative burned (both SR and TR areas) in each of the three laser emission wavelengths individually, as well as combinations of 1550 nm and 1064 nm and 1550 nm, 1064 nm, and 532 nm. We find an optimal average elevational offset of ~0.00 m in SR areas with a range (RMSE) of ~0.09 m using 532 nm data. Average accuracy remains the same in cumulative burned and TR areas, but RMSE increased to ~0.13 m and ~0.16 m, respectively, using 1550 nm and 1064 nm combined data. Finally, data averages ~0.01 m above the field-measured ground surface in unburned boreal peatland and transition areas (RMSE of ~0.19 m) using all wavelengths combined. We conclude that the ‘best’ offset for depth of burn within boreal peatlands is expected to be ~0.01 m, with single point measurement uncertainties upwards of ~0.25 m (RMSE) in areas of tall, dense vegetation regeneration. The importance of classification parameterization identified in this study also highlights the need for more intelligent adaptative classification routines, which can be used in other environments.