Landscape, history, and opposition among the Kainai

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Lanno, Kurt A.
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science
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Lethbridge, Alta : University of Lethbridge, Dept. of Anthropology
In this thesis I explore the connections between Kainai concepts of landscape, history, and cultures of opposition and resilience in the face of the state. The information I present is the data I collected during my fieldwork on the Blood Reserve in southern Alberta. I explore how Kainai persons view their landscape through the lens of traditional land use, and how that land use brings them into contact with their history. I then examine how Kainai persons think of their own history, especially as it is related to accessible historical landmarks and opposition the state. I also explore how land use and history inform cultural resilience and opposition to the colonial state. Finally, I argue that the manner in which the Kainai view landscape and history are intertwined with the nature of their opposition to the state and that they inform cultural resilience in the face of colonization.
Kainai , Landscape , Blackfoot , Blackfoot History , Resistance