Quinte longitudinal study of gambling and problem gambling
Williams, Robert J.
Hann, Robert G.
Schopflocher, Donald Peter
West, Beverly L.
McLaughlin, Patricia
White, Nick
King, Kate
Flexhaug, Trevor
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Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre
The Quinte Longitudinal Study (QLS) is a prospective study of gambling and problem gambling conducted in the Quinte region of Ontario, Canada from 2006 to 2011. A sample of 4,121 adults, 17 and older, was recruited via random digit telephone dialing with 26% of the sample overselected for higher levels of gambling involvement. The sample was roughly representative of the demographic profile of the Canadian adult population, and the geographic region had very similar gambling opportunities to the rest of Canada. The cohort was assessed annually over 5 years. Assessments were computerized and self-administered and were completed either online at the person’s home or at the QLS office in Belleville. The assessment collected comprehensive information on demographics, gambling behaviour, physical health, mental health, substance use and abuse, stressors, personal values, social functioning, personality, leisure activity, and intelligence. An exceptionally high retention rate of 93.9% after 5 years was achieved.
Gambling , Problem gambing
Williams, R., Hann, R., Schopflocher, D., West, B., McLaughlin, P., White, N., King, K., & Flexhaug, T. (2015). Quinte longitudinal study of gambling and problem gambling. Report prepared for the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre. Guelph, Ontario. February 20, 2015