Evoking the Universal Human Family in Public Acts of Healing: Jesus of Nazareth and Virginia Satir

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Lee, Bonnie K.
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Saint Paul University - Faculty of Human Sciences
This article explores the significance of healing staged as public performances by Jesus of Nazareth and Virginia Satir. Two social science models, social construction of reality and anthropology of ritual, highlight the contribution of collectivities in the deconstruction and construction of worldviews and the legitimization of a change in social status and identity. The author argues that through publicly witnessed and experientially enacted healing acts, Jesus and Satir proclaimed and performed a universal human family that transcends the power of institutional definitions of persons. Within an expanded frame of cosmic and spiritual reference, Jesus' and Satir's public healing acts liberated individuals defined by their societies as displaced and deviant to a new identity of worth and belonging as reclaimed and esteemed members of a universal family of humankind sharing a spiritual heritage. In reconnecting persons to their personal, spiritual, and social resources, Jesus and Satir functioned not only as charismatic healers of their time, but also as spiritual leaders and agents of social change.
Permission to post a PDF version of this article in the University of Lethbridge Institutional Repository granted by Terry Lynn Gall, Editor of Counselling and Spirituality (formerly Pastoral Sciences).
Healing , Jesus Christ , Satir, Virginia
Lee, B. K. (2002). Evoking the universal human family in public acts of healing: Jesus of Nazareth and Virginia Satir. Pastoral Sciences, pastorales, 21(2), 263-286.