Predicting career success using multiple conceptualizations of person-environment fit

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Ishola, Akinropo G.
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This study extends previous research on career success prediction by using multiple conceptualizations of person-job (PJ) and person-organization (PO) fit. Specifically, I relate demands-abilities (DA) PJ and PO fit to objective career outcomes such as promotion and salary level, and I relate needs-supplies (NS) PJ and PO fit to subjective career outcomes such as job satisfaction and career satisfaction. A survey assessing the perception of fit with the organization and job, promotion, salary, job satisfaction, and career satisfaction was gathered from 149 employees in Nigeria. Fit hypotheses were tested by means of hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The analysis indicated that demands-abilities fit related positively with promotion and salary, but DAPO fit and DAPJ fit did not have a significant relationship. Needs-supplies fit related positively with job satisfaction and career satisfaction. NSPJ fit had a stronger relationship with job satisfaction than NSPO fit, whereas NSPO fit did not exhibit a stronger relationship with career satisfaction than NSPJ fit as hypothesized. Implications for theory and practice and future research directions are discussed
career , fit , person-environment , predictors , success