The impact of spatial resolution on riparian leaf area index modelling using remote sensing
Logie, Gordon
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science
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Lethbridge, Alta : University of Lethbridge, Dept. of Geography
This thesis investigated the impact of differing sensor spatial resolutions on leaf area
index (LAI) modelling. Airborne images along with ground measurements of LAI
were acquired for riparian areas along the Oldman River in southern Alberta.
Airborne images were spatially resampled to spatial resolutions between 18 cm and
500 m, and the Modified Simple Ratio (MSR) was calculated from the imagery. LAI
regression models were created at each spatial resolution, and changes in the
relationship between MSR and LAI were observed at each spatial resolution, as well
as changes in the modelled LAI estimates. The relationship between MSR and LAI
was scale invariant at spatial resolutions as low as 10 m, and only moderately changed
until 30 m. MSR and predicted LAI gradually reduced as resolution coarsened further,
with large changes occurred beyond 100 m. No relationship was evident between
MSR and LAI at spatial resolutions coarser than 300 m.
Geography , Remote Sensing , Spatial Scale , Leaf Area Index , LAI , Camera Calibration , Calibration , Airborne Remote Sensing , Riparian , Cottonwood , Environment