Theorizing palimpsestuousness through bodies and form

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Saler, Jasmine M.
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Department of Sociology
All research is a story. If this particular research project strikes you as more storied than most you would not be remiss. Indeed, there are aspects of what follows that are figments of my imagination. But reader, I ask you this: what is research but the imagining of possibilities? If research is indeed the act of creating and shaping realities, as John Law suggests (2004, p. 6-7), than surely the story told here must be scrutinized for what reality it supports as much as any other research endeavour that seeks to bring meaning to a world storied with physical laws and interacting molecular compounds. By crafting a tale in an attempt at theorizing the body as palimpsestuous, my aim was also to create a portal of possibility whereby the queer potential of non-linear palimpsestuous relationality could offer a new way of engaging with the multiplicity of current and future realities.
bodies , body as palimpsest , metaphors , narratives , palimpsests , Dissertations, Academic