Understanding the role of social support within a naturalistic intervention

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Kryska, Kathryn
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education
Social support is a psychosocial factor that has been found to buffer the effects of postnatal depressive symptoms. Welcome to Parenthood (W2P) is an informal naturalistic mentorship intervention aimed at reducing postnatal depression. The goal of the current study is to utilize intervention data to uncover the subcategories and patterns of social support used by mentors, identify the impact of received social support on postnatal depressive symptoms among first time mothers, and whether mother’s experiences of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) impact social support in this Canadian sample. The results indicate that received social support may not significantly involved in the reduction of postnatal depressive symptoms, and social participation may be even less effective among women with high ACE scores. Exemplars of social support within the mentorship relationship are presented and the application of clinical considerations for future mentorship interventions for this population are discussed.
Mentorship , Postnatal depression , Social support , First time mothers , Adverse childhood experiences , Welcome to Parenthood