The impact on religious involvement of women in the paid labour force, 1975-2005
Desjarlais-deKlerk, Kristen Ann
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Deptartment of Sociology, 2009
Canadians’ religious involvement has declined significantly over the last thirty years (Bibby 2004a), but explanations haven’t successfully determined the reasons for the decline. Women’s employment rate increased significantly during the same time period, which could account for the decline, particularly as Canadians have become increasingly pragmatic about time following the rise of the dual earner family. This thesis postulates that Canadians’ pragmatism dominates religious involvement, particularly as Canadians have less time to engage in those activities and tasks they deem necessary and worthwhile. It examines the costs and benefits of religious involvement—utilizing a rational choice framework—and insists that religious groups need to respond more effectively to affiliates’ needs and desires. The data demonstrates that Canadians’ perception of worth of their religious involvement (as measured through enjoyment) better predicts involvement than association.
xiii, 131 leaves ; 29 cm.
Dissertations, Academic , Women employees -- Religious life -- Canada -- History , Women employees -- Religious life , Women -- Religious life , Work -- Religious aspects