BMI1 regulates PRC1 architecture and activity through homo- and hetero-oligomerization

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Gray, Felicia
Cho, Hyo Je
Shukla, Shirish
He, Shihan
Harris, Ashley
Boytsov, Bohdan
Jaremko, Lukasz
Jaremko, Mariusz
Demeler, Borries
Lawlor, Elizabeth R.
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Nature Publishing
BMI1 is a core component of the polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) and emerging data support a role of BMI1 in cancer. The central domain of BMI1 is involved in protein–protein interactions and is essential for its oncogenic activity. Here, we present the structure of BMI1 bound to the polyhomeotic protein PHC2 illustrating that the central domain of BMI1 adopts an ubiquitin-like (UBL) fold and binds PHC2 in a β-hairpin conformation. Unexpectedly, we find that the UBL domain is involved in homo-oligomerization of BMI1. We demonstrate that both the interaction of BMI1 with polyhomeotic proteins and homo-oligomerization via UBL domain are necessary for H2A ubiquitination activity of PRC1 and for clonogenic potential of U2OS cells. Here, we also emphasize need for joint application of NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography to determine the overall structure of the BMI1–PHC2 complex.
Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LIcense (CC BY 4.0) applies
Structural biology , Structure determination , BMI1
Gray, F., Cho, H. J., Shukla, S., He, S., Harris, A., Boytsov, B., Jaremko, L., Jaremko, M., Demeler, B., Lawlor, E. R., Grembecka, J., & Cierpicki, T. (2016). BMI1 regulates PRC1 architecture and activity through homo- and hetero-oligomerization. Nature Communications, 7, Article 13343.