Fetal alcohol syndrome : whose child? : shared responsibility
Smith, Jane
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, 2001
This multigenre, multivocal project is narrated from the point of view of a teacher, and
portrays a child living with F AS. A composite child has been created from the stories of
several real children. The perspective shifts back and forth between the subjective and
objective, emotional and rational, impersonal and intimate. It includes confidential school
documents and communications, narrative reflection, songs and poetry, and juxtaposes
these with political, historical, and research data. Awareness of the characteristics of F AS
is growing in medical and educational communities, and in the community at large.
Diagnosis of F AS requires specialized experience, and is a source of controversy, yet
seeking diagnosis the first step towards intervention to reduce secondary disabilities.
Educators are learning how children with F AS are cognitively, socially and behaviourally
different, and what can help them in school and in society. Community service providers
are combining efforts to promote awareness, prevention, and support for children and
their families who live with F AS. Substance abuse and addiction play an important role
in creating F AS, and the social conditions that create addictions must be addressed in
order to prevent F AS. Prevention is ultimately dependent on the will of people and their
governments to change the conditions of life for those who live with meager resources.
iv, 84 leaves ; 29 cm. --
Fetal alcohol syndrome , Children of prenatal alcohol abuse -- Education