Building a distributed shared print archive of Western Canadian topographic maps

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Stevens, Rhys M. G.
O'Hanlon, Grace
Brendle-Moczuk, Daniel
Brigham, Doug
Chatterley, Trish
Kaufhold, Matt
Laliberté, Larry
Peller, Peter
Thornberry, Evan
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A working group of map librarians from across Western Canada formed in February 2021 from amongst members of the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL). This group's task was to develop processes and procedures for the identification and preservation of print versions of topographic maps of Western Canadian provinces and northern territories published by Canadian federal government agencies. These maps, once identified and inventoried, are to be included within a distributed shared print archive. Inclusion in the archive will ensure that individual print maps remain accessible, opportunities are available for the reallocation of library space, and that maps are preserved for members in a cost-effective way. On October 28, 2021, the COPPUL SPAN Phase 6 Working Group presented an overview of the project and its progress to date at the WAML 2021 Virtual Conference.
Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) applies
Western Canadian topographic maps
Stevens, R., O'Hanlon, G., Brendle-Moczuk, D., Brighan, D., Chatterley, T., Kaufhold, M., Laliberté, L., Peller, P., & Thornberry, E. (2022). Building a distributed shared print archive of western Canadian topographic maps (WAML conference presentation 2021). WAML Information Bulletin, 53(2).