Developing a community of practice: report on a survey to determine the scholarly communication landscape in western Canada

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Swanepoel, Marinus
Kehoe, Inba
Hohner, Michael
Shepstone, Carol
Vanderjagt, Leah
Wakaruk, Amanda
Waller, Andrew
Winter, Christina
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The Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) Scholarly Communications Working Group (SCWG) surveyed COPPUL member libraries with a short questionnaire in November 2012. The stated purpose of the survey was to inform both the educational efforts of COPPUL with regard to scholarly communications, as well as the agenda of a proposed meeting of scholarly communication practitioners in COPPUL libraries. This paper discusses the results in the context of the formation of a Community of Practice (CoP) since conducting the survey. The paper concludes that a CoP has not yet formed; however, it presents the challenges with the formation of the CoP, identifies some of the actions taken so far, and makes recommendations for future direction for continuing to develop the CoP among COPPUL institutions.
Open access , Scholarly communications , Survey , Western Canada , Institutional repositories , Scholarly publishing , Community of practice
Swanepoel, M., Kehoe, I., Hohner, M., Shepstone, C., Vanderjagt, L., Wakaruk, A.,...Winter, C. (2015). Developing a community of practice: Report on a survey to determine the scholarly communication landscape in western Canada. Unpublished manuscript.