The utopias of Plato, Skinner and Perkins Gilman : a comparative analysis in theory and art
McEachern, M. Angelica
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, 1997
This is a comparative study of the utopian societies depicted in Plato's Republic, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Herland, and B.F.Skinner's Walden Two. Two different interpretive perspectives--analytical and artisitic--are employed in a complementary manner to effect the study. The analytical study investigates and compares each test within the following frameworks: political foundations; education of children; roles of women; family structures. The major conclusions are that all three utopian constructs are characterized by (a) complementary
educational methods for the young, (b) gender equality, (c) a high degree of role specialization based on individual's intrinsic aptitudes, (d) a lack of political conflict, (e) the achievement of social unification through pursuit of common goals, and (f) complementary social structures for communal living. The artistic interpretation is embodied in three paintings, each depicting one of the utopian societies. These visually illustrate the above frameworks as applied to each utopia. To illustrate the conclusions of the analytical investigation the three paintings, when placed side by side, become a unified whole further illustrating the above noted commonalities among the three utopias.
149 leaves : col. ill. ; 28 cm.
Utopias in literature , Utopias in art , Dissertations, Academic