Better queer than dead! : positive identity in Latin American gay men in Canada

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Avelar, Ricardo
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education
This study explored the lived experiences, narratives, and perceptions of Latin American Gay men in Canada. Participants included three foreign-born men, who immigrated to Canada in adolescence or early adulthood. The interview questions were designed to consider each participant’s life through various developmental stages, including feeling different, coming out, and establishing a positive identity. Positive identity in gay men can be defined as (a) being fully out to family and friends, unless it is dangerous to do so, (b), being able to deal and cope with homophobia well, and (c) seeing oneself in a positive manner more often than not (Alderson, 2002). Voices are qualitatively presented to contribute to the vast number of quantitative data in the research literature regarding sexual minorities. Through narrative inquiry and analysis, themes emerged regarding (a) sexual identity, (b) ethnicity, and (c) positive identity. The findings and implications of this study can inform teaching and counselling practices with sexual and ethnic minorities and contribute to understanding the role that positive identity plays in the development of healthy, contributing citizens in our communities.
Latin American gay men , counselling psychology , culture infused counselling and research