Wearing four hats: the role of local government in the making of planned innovation parks in China
Bai, Qianhui
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science
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Lethbridge, Alta. : Universtiy of Lethbridge, Department of Geography
Building innovation parks has been adopted by many governments to promote regional innovation capability and economic growth. Due to the decisive role of Chinese government and the special innovation park governing system, it is the local government has the practical power over the development of planned innovation parks. I order to explore how the local government leads the development of planned innovation parks, this thesis adopted three research routes to guide through the research: 1) use a life cycle perspective to explore the evolving roles of local governments; 2) use a method of classifying government policies and strategies into “hard” and “soft” to describe the actions of local governments; 3) use a demand-and-supply perspective to illustrate and evaluate the function of local governments. The local government acts as a developer, an enticer, a facilitator, and a regulator in the park development process.
China -- Politics and government , Information technology parks -- China -- Case studies , Research parks -- China -- Case studies , China , innovation parks , local government involvement