Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations: application to asynchronous nursing education

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Vogelsang, Laura
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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the course of nursing education delivery in many ways. Although programs have resumed in-person classes for much of the curriculum some online delivery continues. Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations is summarized and suggested as a way to maintain interpersonal relationship with students in the online setting. Proposition of the new role of ‘innovator’ for the nurse and an expanded definition of communication which fits with the online context are suggested. Application to asynchronous nursing education with consideration of modern-day teaching methodologies are discussed. Throughout the 21st century the use of technology as a tool for communication has exploded. Whether through telephone, social media, or instant message, individuals increasingly use digital means to stay connected. At the height of the pandemic entire nursing programs were delivered online and connecting synchronously and asynchronously though a virtual means became the norm. Relationships were formed between students and instructors without an in-person meeting ever occurring. As many nursing programs return to in-person delivery some of the advantages of virtual clinical were realized and many program continue to offer virtual components (Seah et al., 2020). Several existing nursing theories offer guidance for forming effective nurse-client relationships. However, these theories fail to address the ‘technology’ component of communication and the impact of the lack of physical presence. Hildegard Peplau (1909-1999) was a pioneer of the nurse-client relationship. Her practice-based theory emphasized looking at using every interaction as an opportunity for empowerment. The aim of this paper is to critically examine the philosophical underpinnings of Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations and evaluate the potential contributions it makes for supporting nursing educators to deliver clinical in a virtual setting. The definition of communication will be redefined for use in the virtual clinical setting. Further the writer will suggest an additional role of the nurse, the innovator role. This theory can potentially contribute to effective nursing education when applied in a virtual educational setting.
Open access. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0) applies
Nursing education , Peplau , Asynchronous , Interpersonal relationship
Vogelsang, L. (2022). Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations: application to asynchronous nursing education. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 17(3-4).