The Multi-dimensional interaction between speech and grasping

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van Rootselaar, Nicole A.
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science
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Lethbridge, Alta. : Universtiy of Lethbridge, Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education
Research has demonstrated an interaction between speech processes and manual actions. The wide variety of methods and theories used to investigate the interaction produced contradictions and raised many questions. The purpose of this thesis was to develop a clearer understanding of the interaction between speech and grasping by using ecologically relevant methodology. Two experiments were designed to answer two hypotheses: 1) Speech processing produces a greater effect on ecologically relevant hand actions (e.g. grasp-to-eat); and 2) Performing natural actions should result in significant changes in speech production. Both experiments revealed two similar results which contradicted my hypotheses. The right handed grasp-to-eat actions did not alter speech production, and were unchanged by speech processing. Additionally, left hand actions interacted with speech production/processing. These findings suggest that the grasp-to-eat (hand-to-mouth) action is highly robust, and that left handed actions can interaction with speech processes.
dual-task , hand-to-mouth , left-hand , natural action , right-hand , speech