Surrendering at the end of the line: embracing absolute hopelessness and total failurehood in nondual psychotherapy

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Nixon, Gary
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Paradoxica: Journal of Nondual Psychology
This article reviews how the nondual seeker comes to the point in the journey in which he or she realizes that the end of seeking is called for but instead begins to seek the end of seeking. As the experience of desperately coming to the end of the line intensifies with no resolution, the experiences of the rot, absolute hopelessness, and embracing total failurehoood, can set the stage for a spontaneous giving up and letting go. In this surrender, the death of the separate self occurs, and the person can come to a place of seeing that “this is it,” it is all available right here, right now, and has been all along. A nondual psychotherapy case study illustrates the point that an invitation can be made by the nondual therapist to the client to simply rest in this state of nothing to do and nowhere to go. The temptation to run from this state, which we have been avoiding our whole lives, can be monumental. Resting in this desperate state of nothing to do can be a vital opportunity to see through the illusion of the separate self, and to know that reality has always been available, right here, right now.
Permisson to include this article granted by Dr. Gary Nixon, editor of Paradoxica
Surrendering , Hopelessness , Failurehood , Nondual psychotherapy , Letting go , Death of self
Nixon, G. (2010). Surrendering at the end of the line: embracing absolute hopelessness and total failurehood in nondual psychotherapy. Paradoxica: Journal of Nondual Psychology, 2.