Blended learning through videoconferencing
Hinger, David
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, 2007
Educators are frequently looking for new ways to expand distance education
opportunities to students in rural and remote locations. Videoconferencing is rapidly
growing as a premier tool to minimize distance barriers and increase opportunities for
continuing education. For more than a decade the Faculty of Education at the University
of Lethbridge has offered blended learning courses through a cohort implementation
strategy. While creating a cohort of students in one location facilitates the face-to-face
component of the blended learning environment by allowing instructors to conduct
classes occasionally during the semester by traveling to the remote location, the cost of
travel for face-to-face visits to many rural and remote school districts, such as Peace
River, adds another barrier to establishing life long learning opportunities.
In an effort to increase access throughout the province to graduate level
programming the Faculty of Education is investigating the use ofvideoconferencing to
replace some of the face-to-face site visits. In January 2005, the Faculty of Education at
the University of Lethbridge enrolled a cohort of students from the Peace River School
District in the University's ftrst graduate level videoconferencing blended learning
environment. These instructors, administrators, and students were the participants in this
multi-methodological study to evaluate student and instructor perceptions of using
videoconferencing in a blended learning environment, and establish best practices for
future course offerings.
xiii, 84 leaves ; 29 cm. + 1 CD-ROM
Videoconferencing -- Alberta , Teaching -- Audio-visual aids , Distance education -- Alberta , Teleconferencing in education -- Alberta