Pay attention! A mindfulness-based stress management and self-esteem program for women
Tillman, Kelly
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, 2008.
Mindfulness therapeutic approaches are relatively new to the field of counselling psychology. By encouraging a present-centered, non-judgmental, observant attitude, mindfulness can instill power and peace within an individual. The concepts of mindfulness are highly generalizable, and lend themselves to a wide array of individual concerns and theoretical approaches. This project combines mindfulness concepts with cognitive behavioural therapy. The goal of this endeavour is to create a group program manual and literature review for practitioners to assist women with low self-esteem and high stress. Self-esteem and stress were chosen as the topic of concern due to high incidence rates, and because both serve as risk factors for many psychological disturbances. Group therapy is the chosen method of intervention, modelled after several successful and empirically validated mindfulness-based group interventions. Within the document, program rationale and relevant literature are presented concerning cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness, self-esteem, stress management, and group processes. Lesson plans are presented for a hypothetical six-week group program. Interventions include informal mindfulness, mindful meditation, uncovering belief systems and experiential self-esteem exercises. This document provides a tool for practitioners and contributes to existing literature on mindfulness-based research.
vii, 69 leaves ; 28 cm. --
Campus Alberta Applied Psychology , Women -- Psychology , Self-esteem in women , Self-perception in women , Stress (Psychology) , Women -- Mental health , Women -- Counseling of , Group counseling , Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy , Cognitive therapy