Revisiting national security discourse in Turkey with a view to pacification: from military power to police power onto orchestration of labour power
Özcan, Gülden
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Hacettepe University
In this article, I try to analyse the neoliberal re-structuration in Turkey with a view to fabrication of official national security discourse and its adaption as common sense among productive classes. Acknowledging pacification as a counter-hegemonic approach to securitization, I offer an alternative framework to study the role of national security in Turkish politics that goes beyond rather traditionalized civil-military dichotomy. I argue that national security is a technique aiming at pacification with both imperial and local targets and that it should be understood with recourse to the neoliberalism-security-pacification axis. The article composes of three sections. First, I explore the history of the term pacification. Second, I look at the discursive continuities on national security between the military regime and the civilian AKP governments. Third, I reflect on the alternative forms of solidarity emerged during the Gezi Resistance that open the possibility of creating a counter-hegemonic common sense.
Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution License applies
Gezi resistance , Militarization , National security , Neoliberalism , Pacification , Police
Özcan, G. (2014). Revisiting national security discourse in Turkey with a view to pacification: From military power to police power onto orchestration of labour power. Moment: Journal of Cultural Studies, 1(1), 37-55. DOI: