Aha moments and continued confusion: an analysis of threshold concepts through student reflections in the ACRL framework

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Eva, Nicole
Rocca, Marissa S.
MacKay, D. Bruce
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Association of College & Research Libraries
With the advent of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education in 2015, librarians everywhere have tried to adapt their existing information literacy sessions to incorporate the revised concepts. This article discusses how the librarian responsible for a series of four labs in a first-year course reformed the lab content around the six ACRL Frames. Student reflections from three semesters’ worth of classes were analyzed for content related to each of the six Frames, as well as for areas of enlightened understanding (evidence of crossing a threshold into higher understanding, as first outlined by Meyer and Land, 2003) and continued confusion, with applicability for all instructors trying to incorporate the Frames.
Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) applies
ACRL Framework for Information LIteracy for HIgher Education , ACRL frames , Library labs , Student reflections , Threshold concepts , Literacy labs
Eva, N. C., Rocca M. S., MacKay, D. B. (2021). Aha moments and continued confusion: An analysis of threshold concepts through student reflections in the ACRL framework. College & Research Libraries, 82(2), 199-218. https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.82.2.199