Are perceived comparative risks realistic among high-risk sports participants?
Martha, Cecile
Laurendeau, Jason
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Human Kinetics
This poper examined how risk sports practitioners, compared with those of the
average sports participant, perceive their abilities to manage risks (AMR) and their
vulnerability to a serious injury (VSI) whilst participating. We also examined which
variables influence perceived comparative VSI. High-risk and moderate-risk sports
participonts (n = 432) completed measures of perceived personal AMR, perceived
comparative AMR and VSI, and motive of playing to the limit. Results showed that
high-risk sports practitioners perceived their VSI as being higher than the average
sports participant, while moderate-risk practitioners perceived their VSI as being
lower. Perceived comparative VSI was negatively related to perceived personol
AMR and positively related to past injury episode, sporting experience, and playing
to the limit. In conclusion, perceived comparative risks were similarly realistic
amongst high-risk sports practitioners. Future research is needed to further examine
the role that perceived comparative risks play in the risk-taking decision-making
Comparative optimism , Realism , Perceived abilities , Playing to the limit , Past injury episodes , High risk sports , Athletes--Injuries , Risk management--Sports
Martha, C. and J. Laurendeau. (2010). “Are perceived comparative risks realistic amongst high-risk sports participants?” International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 8,2, 129-146. (Human Kinetics)