Behavioral disorders : theory into practice : a reflective journey of a B.E.S.T. teacher
Agasoster-Jones, Sherry
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, 2001
Children with behavioural difficulties have been an ever-present factor in schools. In the
fall of 2001, Foothills School Division in rural Alberta recognized a need for increased
programming for students with these behavioural difficulties. A third elementary program
that was inclusionary in nature began. This project reflected on the implementation of a
behavioural program. Field notes and teacher journaling formed the basis for the analysis
and interpretation of the program. The teacher as a participant observer allowed for a
unique perspective that reflected but also guided the dynamic, interactive elements of this
program. The reflective study concluded that inclusion must be looked at individually;
direct one-to-one instruction in reading, appropriate social skills training and
opportunities for transference, and parental and agency support was an appropriate way
to support students with behavioural disorders in schools. The research also concluded
that the process of change for these children is slow and that the earlier the intervention
begins, the greater the potential for success. The study supported earlier research done
that said it must always be recognized that each child is an individual and that not one
way will work for all.
viii, 72 leaves ; 29 cm. --
Problem children -- Education -- Alberta