Career transitions : creating rainbows

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Vennard, Margaret
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, 2001
The past four years have marked a period of tremendous growth in my life. The events that have initiated my career transition are presented through the use of metaphor. 111 During the course of the metaphors I moved from being a single person to not single, being a child of a nuclear family to being a child of divorce and a fatherless daughter, and from being a regular classroom teacher to being a teacher in a non-traditional assignment. The purpose of this project is to present the events, to describe their impact, and to compare my story to current career transition theory. Specifically, the project addresses the question: what have I learned about myself and the nature of transitions as a result of the events of the past three years. The last stage of the career transition process is marked by a beginning. I am a work-in-progress. The metaphor included in the last chapter represents my new direction.
v, 77 leaves ; 29 cm. --
Career development , Life change events