Building on our natural curiosities
Campbell, Wendy
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, 2004
The traditional view of teaching environmental education has been for students to learn
about the environment whereas the current trend is to provide learning opportunities that
are experiential and in the environment. This research project is to explore the natural
curiosities and attitudes that emerge from children when they are immersed in rich
learning experiences that are experiential and cause children to pause, reflect, and ask
questions, and that occur in an outdoor classroom.
According to the 1996 Alberta Program of Studies for Elementary Science "children have
a natural curiosity about their surroundings - a desire to explore and investigate, see
inside things, find out how things work and find answers to their questions" (p. A.l). By
participating in a one week outdoor classroom situated in a natural river setting and a
prairie foothills conservation area, students were given the opportunity to experience
first-hand the richness and beauty of the natural environment. Through reflective
journaling and a set of survey questions students shared their thoughts and feelings about
the natural environment. When given the opportunity to explore, discover, and observe
the world around them, the students asked wondrous questions, expressed delight, and
identified serious issues of environmental concern. This small group of students built
upon, broadened and enhanced their understanding of the world around them. They
demonstrated a strong sense of caring about the environment and believed that they could
make a difference in preserving the natural habitat for themselves and others. As cited in
Pan-Canadian Framework (Council of Ministries, 1996, p. 11), Unesco states "there can
be no greater contribution or more essential element to long-term environmental strategies leading to sustainable development that respects the environment.. .than the
education of future generations in matters relating to the environment."
ix, 67 leaves ; 29 cm. --
Active learning -- Research , Experiential learning -- Research , Curiosity in children -- Research