From a wooded summit : learning to love through augustinian meditation in Ascona

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von Heyking, John
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Konigshausen & Neumann
This paper focuses on the way ... Eranos scholars used Augustinian symbols to explicate the tensional relationship between time and eternity, finitude and infinity, creation and God, and human being and God that Eranos scholars have theorized about, and that thinkers have been grappling with since Plato characterized human existence as a cave and wondered how to convince philosophers to reenter it.
Permission granted by Matthias Riedl.
Meditation , Ascona , Human existence , Augustinian symbols , Eranos scholars , European Enlightenment , Symbols , Christianity , Political science--History--To 1500 , Theological anthropology , Philosophy , Critical thinking , Philsophy, Modern , Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
“From a Wooded Summit: Learning to Love Through Augustinian Meditation at Ascona,” in Pioniere, Poeten, Professoren: Eranos und der Monte Verità in der Zivilisationsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Eranos – Neue Folge Nr. 11, Elisabetta Barone, Matthias Riedl, Alexandra Tischel, (eds.). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2004. Pp. 83-96. Italian translation in: Elisabetta Barone et al. (eds.), Eranos – Monte Verità – Ascona. Pisa: Edizione ETS 2003. Pp. 165-187.