Facilitating individual growth and development
Parr, Cynthia H
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, 2000
Both regular and special educators are continually involved in the process of change to
better meet the needs of a range of learners. Effective leadership to facilitate and support
the process of growth and development is a necessary component of teacher growth.
Through this project a small group of special and regular classroom teachers met to
develop personal growth goals in the area of special education and to work together to
assist each other in meeting their individual goals related to special education. This
opportunity allowed participants to share their findings and frustrations and, in a collegial
fashion, support each other in the process of change. The goal of the writer was to
develop her own leadership skills and abilities in facilitating teachers' individual growth
and development in the area of special education. Through ongoing reflection group
members continually revisited their individual goals and grew through the process of
shared reflection. Through the sharing of ideas each group member was able to
incorporate their individual understandings into their own classroom experience. The
overall goal was to cause teachers to reflect on and modify their teaching practises.
Through this process each member shared their stories and reflections and grew as
educators. The process of shared reflection encouraged each member to look deeper at
what they were doing as educators of students with special needs and further develop the
learning opportunities they offered their students. Through this qualitative research
project the writer attempts to share some of the stories, experiences and understandings
that demonstrate that growth and development occurred during the course of the project.
viii, 74 p. ; 29 cm. --
Special education , Special education teachers -- Training of