Using intersectionality theory to explore the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Black Canadian people's health

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Dixon, Sandra
Batta, Millie
Jidong, Dung Ezekiel
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European Society of Medicine
There is a general reluctance to confront the pervasive reality of anti-Black racism that further produces false narratives of inequities in the healthcare system relative to Black communities, especially in Western countries, including Canada. Despite Canada’s orientation towards an anti-Black racist agenda that aims to acknowledge the social determinants of health (SDOH) disparities experienced by the Black community during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, a greater robust discussion is warranted to address this longstanding discourse. In this conceptual paper, we draw upon intersectionality theory to shed light on the social determinants and inequities in health for Black Canadians. Informed by the literature, the authors discuss the historical context of systemic barriers and social injustices Black people face that are uniquely rooted in systems of oppression and anti-Black racism. Additionally, the importance of collecting and analyzing race-based data to prioritize the health concerns of Black people is emphasized. The article also espoused the need for healthcare service providers to advocate for culturally responsive and appropriate interventions like the Africentric model to inform policies, practices, and programs that promote the wellness of Black populations in Canada and beyond. Implications for healthcare service providers are highlighted with emphasis placed on a commitment to cultural humility in the support delivered within this diverse community. The paper concludes with a higher level of consideration to be given to the structural challenges experienced by Black Canadians in the healthcare system as we move towards a collective understanding to better serve this racialized group.
Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 3.0) applies
Afrocentric model , Anti-Black racism , Black Canadians , COVID-19 Pandemic , Intersectionality theory , Slavery , Social determinants of health , Systemic racism
Dixon, S., Batta, M., & Jidong, D. E. (2023). Using intersectionality theory to explore the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Black Canadian's health. Medical Research Archives, 11(11).