Educating the next generation of remote sensing specialists: skills and industry needs in a changing world

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Chasmer, Laura
Ryerson, Robert A.
Coburn, Craig A.
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Taylor & Francis
The landscape of post-secondary education has experienced a dramatic change in student outcomes over the past 20 years. The expectation for students in advanced education was a career in research and toward gaining employment in either academia or in government science. From our survey of university students and early career professionals, it was clear that there is an expectation gap between desired and probable post-secondary education outcomes. Our survey indicated that the majority of trainees, regardless of level of education, undervalue the importance of written and oral communication skills and overvalue specific methodological understanding relative to those employed in the field. While some of these dichotomies can be explained by the relative lack of experience of students, it also points to the nature of the foci of our training. While we are concerned with the production of the next leaders in remote sensing science, most will have careers that are different from their training. There is an opportunity to optimize the post-secondary education experience (student and faculty) with the inclusion of a broader view toward career outcomes.
Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) applies
Remote sensing specialists , Post-secondary education experience , Industry needs , Career outcomes
Chasmer, L. E., Ryerson, R. A., & Coburn, C. A. (2021). Educating the next generation of remote sensing specialists: Skills and industry needs in a changing world. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing.