Teaching to achieve deep learning in the age of technological determinism

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Madore, Michael A.
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education
As a post-secondary instructor, I wondered what elements constitute effective university teaching and whether they were being employed within the Integrated Management Experience (IME) program. In addition, I was aware of the impact of technology at a societal level and wanted to examine its influence on adult students’ abilities to successfully transition into the 21st century workforce. The review of literature revealed that the teaching strategies linked with helping students deeply learn promoted conceptual understanding, critical thinking, experiential learning, and internalization. I then reviewed data from the IME program to assess the degree to which each teaching strategy was implemented. Each was found to be embedded within the IME program. Data revealed that students believed they were prepared for work experiences they may face once they left the program, and to adapt to technological determinism’s impact on their environment.
Deep Learning , Technological Determinism , Experiential Learning , Critical Thinking , Internalization , Conceptual Understanding