<b>The Governors of the University of Lethbridge (“University of Lethbridge”)| Non-Exclusive Project License Agreement </b> <p>In consideration of the University of Lethbridge agreeing to make your project (the "Project") available to interested persons, you agree as follows:</p> <ol> <li>You hereby grant to the University of Lethbridge a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to archive, preserve, produce, reproduce, publish, communicate, convert into any format, communicate and distribute the Project, including the Project abstract, in any format and in any medium for non-commercial purposes for the full term of the copyright, including but not limited to the right to: <ol type="a"><li>make the Project available in print or online by telecommunication to the public, including via the internet and facsimile transmission, for non-commercial purposes;</li> <li>distribute the Project through the library, interlibrary and public loan; and</li> <li>digitize and photocopy the Project.</li> </ol></li> <li>You confirm the following statements to be true and accurate: <ol type="a"><li>you have the right and authority to grant the rights set out in this license;</li> <li>the Project is your original work and is an un-amended copy of the final version approved by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies; </li> <li>the Project does not infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of any other person or entity; </li> <li>if the Project contains material for which, under the provisions of the Copyright Act, written permission of the copyright owner(s) is required to include the work (or part thereof, as the case may be) in the Project, then both of the following apply: <ol type="i"><li>the material has been clearly and appropriately identified and acknowledged; and</li> <li>you have obtained written permission of the copyright owner(s), for the full term of copyright protection, to include the work (or part thereof, as the case may be) in the Project and to grant to the University of Lethbridge the rights set out in this license;</li></ol> </li> <li>the Project does not contain any confidential or proprietary information belonging to others, other than information included under Section 2 d) above;</li> <li>the Project does not contain any libelous or other unlawful matter and does not invade the privacy of any persons; and</li> <li>g. there are no unexpired publication delays on the distribution of the Project.</li></ol> </li> <li>You are aware that you retain your copyright ownership and moral rights in the Project and may deal with the Project in any way consistent with the rights granted to the University of Lethbridge in this license. You promise to inform any person to whom you may hereafter assign or license your copyright in your Project of the rights granted to the University of Lethbridge in this license. You agree that the University of Lethbridge is not responsible for any misuse of the Project by third parties who access the Project through the University of Lethbridge’s facilities.</li></ol>