Math 1560 Syllabus, Fall 2022 Since I submitted my syllabus for Fall 2020, I thought I would include the syllabus for the same course, two years later, for the purpose of comparing how it evolved after two years. Some aspects to note in the syllabus: - The primary version is HTML (which I can't upload directly). - Although this course was back "in person", there were many students who still wanted to do the course remotely, and many more who were forced to go online temporarily due to illness, so I used a hybrid design for the course. - The HTML format allowed for a longer syllabus, with sections that provided detailed explanations on how to access and use the various technologies we needed for the hybrid format. - The syllabus is also available in a PDF format, identical in content, for those who want a printed or offline copy. - My assessment scheme has changed somewhat from two years prior, but it is worth noting that I kept tests online, since there were typically 15-20% of students who were unable to attend in person. Syllabus URL (HTML): PDF version: